to the memoirs of a lioness :)
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♥ The Lioness
The Lioness.
♥ A 23-year-old tax consultant.
♥ Long, straight black hair.
♥ Dark brown eyes.
♥ Naturally tanned skin.
♥ 165cm, 48kg.
Life Mission: to love and be loved, to travel around the globe, to give to those in need, and to live happily ever after.
Luvs: cats and kittens, roses, chocolate, strawberry, gelato, cheesecake, art, music, singing, playing the piano, French language,
adventurous activities, travelling, vacation, snowboarding, having good & clean fun, hangin' out with friends, goin' out for coffee,
Indonesian, Japanese and Italian food, anything in bright colours and cute shapes, watching movies, internet, web design, clothes
Hates: backstabbers, traitors, constant liars, people who think they know everything, people who are so full of
themselves, slimy creatures, cigarettes.
Obsession: Gemma Ward's porcelain-perfect skin, natural hazel eyes.
5:34 PM
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Woohooo!! I finally bought Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yesterday!! I bought it in the afternoon from Whitcoulls, and by midnight I finished reading half of the book already :p I also brought the book to my campus today to fill in my 3 hour empty slot from 12.30 until 3.30 (cos I had my lectures today at 11.30-12.30 and 3.30-4.30) Oh by the way, I was reading the book during my first lecture instead of listening comprehensively to the lecturer, tee hee hee.. :p I'm aiming to finish reading this brilliant book tonight before I sleep, so that tomorrow I can go back to my studying and assignments and bla bla bla.. *sigh*
Well, two things I can blurt out about HP6 from the beginning of the book until halfway through is:
1) I can't BELIEVE Snape's a traitor!! Dumbledore trusted him!! I thought he truly wasn't a Death Eater anymore!! I thought he was a loyal member of the Order of the Phoenix!!
2) Hmm.. I'm halfway through the 607-pages book (phew! not as thick as HP5), but it still doesn't say who the half-blood prince is..
10:56 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
Jika teringat tentang AseJauh di mata dekat dihatiApa yang harus kulakukanS'tengah tahun lewat sia-siaAku tak brani, untuk kenalan dengannya..Jika memang masih bisa ku memundurkan waktuAku akan kenalan dengannyaDan akan kumintaNomor telpon dan alamatnya..Tapi sekarang sepertinya sudah terlambatTapi aku takkan putus asaKan kukejar terusAse selamanya..Courtesy of Inggriani Chandra =P
7:03 PM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
"Lihat Kebunku" - Dessuchiko version
Lihat sampingku, penuh dengan Ing-IngAda yang Ing-Chai, dan ada yang BebiSetiap hari, kulihat Bebi-kuIng-Chai, Wanto-Se, KevLoo juga indah.."Balonku" - Ing-Chai version
Bebe-ku ada satuWanto-ku ada satuAse-ku ada satuSemua satu-satuTapi Ase menghindar, DAR!!!Hatiku sangat kacauSekarang hanya tinggalBebe-ku dan Wanto-ku.."Pelangi-Pelangi" - Ing-Chai version
Bebeku Bebeku..Alangkah kejammuTeganya dirimuMerebut Ase-kuTahukah dirimuAse-ku milikkuOh Bebe, oh BebeTeganya kamu..Sepertinya makna lirik2nya cuma gua & Ing-Ing deh yg ngerti =P
Beginilah Bebi (Ing-Ing) & Bebe (gua) kalo lagi kreatif.. hahaha
2:52 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Dunia ini memang kejam..!!
Eh salah.. umm.. maksud gua.. semester ini memang kejam!!!
Eh salah lagi.. hmm sebenernya sih.. MOFI202 yg kejam!!! Bener2 kejam!!! Sama ACCY302 juga!! (ya lumayan kejam lah..)
Nih tingkat kekejamannya:
1) Super duper kejam!!! --> MOFI202 (Money & banking)
2) Mayan kejam..!! --> ACCY302 (Advanced management accounting)
3) Gak kejam2 banget sih.. --> ACCY306 (Financial statement analysis)
4) Yg ini gak kejam kok, well.. so far though.. --> MOFI301 (Corporate finance)
Pokoknya this semester I'm as good as dead! Tapi.. emang sih ini pilihan gua sendiri, banyak yg kaget gua ngambil 4 paper.. udah gt 300-level smua lg! (yach kecuali 1 paper yg 200-level lah, itu jg menurut gosip sih bnyk banget yg fail MOFI202, which means that it might be harder than some of the 300-level papers, but sadly I need it for my MOFI major).
10:04 PM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Countdown.. START >>
23 more days 'til MY 19th BIRTHDAY!! [D'ohh.. as if somebody's gonna give me a huge birthday surprise *eyeroll*]
8 more days 'til the worldwide release of HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!! [Of course I'm gonna buy the book, but d'ohh!!.. as if I'm gonna have time to read it, cos this semester's drivin' me nuts!!]
<< Countdown.. END
6:28 PM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
In your eyes, people see kindness...You're just so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown :)
==> Hmm u know what.. every sentence in the above paragraph is sooo true!! What a cool result, huh?!
2:12 PM
Monday, July 04, 2005
Today's finally the beginning of a whole new semester. Thank goodness my first lecture is at 2.40 PM .. and thank goodness I finally got accepted and registered in MOFI301 (cos I was waitlisted before).
I'm planning to buy an ear muff from Glassons this afternoon after my lectures. Then.. gotta return the Fearless novels and the Sugar magazine to the Library.